Dear All, I found an interesting post from Alberto Castillo about these bulbs when they were recently discussed on the Australian list. I hope he won't mind my sharing. It is interesting as he talks about the difference in different hemispheres. "Merenderas, Bulbocodium, Colchicums, Fritillarias, etc do not like the overall warm temperatures of lowlands in Australia, South Africa and South America. They are a lot easier if in a Southern exposure where they receive all the cold and wind they can. A couple of hours of direct sun (in winter, none at all in summer) is enough for them (and for some no direct sun at all). This is possible because the irradiation in this Hemisphere is so intense that the plants can use it to advantage as they make use of direct sun in other latitudes. They must remain in their pots during their summer dormancy as they resent desiccation a good deal. Drainage is a must as otherwise their corms or bulbs become infected easily. It is easy to pot them and bury the pot in the garden in case one gives them the wrong spot. Clay pots( with extra drainage holes) are very good for them because of their refrigerating effect. They are among those faithful, dependable bulbs that one can have From ???@??? Tues Jul 30 13:05:34 2002 To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>for many years once their requirements are met." I wonder if any of this applies to Southern California as well. The two people who are growing these in Australia have some of the colder Australian climates I think. I have one question to ask the three of you who have discussed this. How difficult is it to grow from seed? I understand Colchicum can be a bit of a challenge to germinate without fresh seed. Is this true of Merendera too? Any tips for any of us who might see some in a seed exchange and decide to try? Thanks in advance for any help. Mary Sue