Yet another intro

Lisa and Al Flaum
Sun, 07 Jul 2002 15:23:23 PDT
Hello all,

I started out with a rock garden so that I could grow rosemary outside year-round(it lived for 3 yrs!)I started adding things like crocus and iris and allium, then calochortus and dichelostemma and brodiea, a few species tulips, more crocus and iris and allium.  Then I found out about zephyranthes and crinum and South Africans of all sorts.  Oh dear.   Right now, my primary bulbous interests are Crocus, Allium, Zephyranthes and Crinum.  I enjoy testing the hardiness of different bulbs, and I love seed! I plant more narcissus and lilies every year,  plus lots of perennials and woodies.  

6 years ago, my husband and I bought a small house on 3 acres(climate info in my signature).  The property was about evenly divided between grass/weeds and oak-hickery-honeysuckle woods.  There is plenty of room both for plants
and for the 2 young boys that have the run of the place.  It has north, south and east facing slopes and a fenced area for the dogs (4).  The property also came with 1 cat, a second arrived this winter, and there have always been 2 in the house.   The house cats do not approve of house plants, so
I don't have many winter groweres.  However,  I've been steadily killing the  grass/weeds and the honeysuckle and one of these days I'll have a cool greenhouse, too, so I've got to keep planting those seeds.

Dell,  you've got a volunteer for seed-packing, if you need one.


Lisa Flaum	
Waterloo, SW Illinois, USA
Min -10F Max 105F (-24C to 40C)
Wet winter, dry summer punctuated by gully washers,
high humidity, unreliable snow cover, clay soil

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