Pitchin' in

Bill Richardson skill5@dcscomp.com.au
Sun, 07 Jul 2002 17:19:35 PDT
Hi Joyce,
that is an impressive list of plants. I'm always glad to see one Ixia in
Interesting to hear that you eliminated i. maculata? What were your findings
on this?
I will put something together on Massonia but I am no expert on this
species. I can relate my own experience on what I have done.
Be patient, as I am back at work tomorrow and will have limited time to sit
and write, research. But will do it, Joyce.
Congratulations on an excellent presentation.
Any images of the UC/D greenhouse?
Bill Richardson
0-15c. Cold, wet days of winter.
Ixia site: http://www.angelfire.com/ri/ixia/
Suite 101 site: http://suite101.com/welcome.cfm/bulbs_and_plants

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