Jude, I think they are intending Scilla paucifolia Baker (1875) which is synonymous with Ledebouria socialis according to current works. I believe the PBS-wiki has it as Ledebouria pauciflora which is just a mistake in the name. I am finding Baker was very keen in his naming of plants, nearly as good as J.K. Small and rare named things several times like Levielle. Aaron --- On Sat, 4/16/11, The Silent Seed <santoury@aol.com> wrote: From: The Silent Seed <santoury@aol.com> Subject: [pbs] Scilla paucei ? To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 8:20 AM I have some bulbs of S. paucei, and the only information available are some Asian websites which I can't read! There is no mention of this on the PBS website under Ledebouria, Scilla, Drimiopsis, etc. Help me figure out this enigmatic bulb. I have photos of them flowering right now, even though I know I cannot include them here. If it is just a really rare bulb, and the PBS does not have a photo or description of it yet, I'm happy to contribute my photos. Thanks, Jude ______________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to receive my plant newsletters via email? santoury@aol.com The Silent Seed - Rare and Unusual Plants -----------------------------------------------------------------------------