bulbs in cold frame

Kathleen Sayce ksayce@willapabay.org
Sun, 24 Apr 2011 19:33:01 PDT
After one winter with a cold frame, I am reporting that species that prefer less than 20 inches of rain during cold weather are much happier when kept drier. For the first time, I have cheerful Calochortus plants, and a thriving Eremerus seedling. Iris magnifica looks happier, and might flower next year.
A few bulbs are gone, but I suspect that damp conditions before they went into the cold frame are responsible. 
I'm planning on keeping Cymbidiums in the frame for the summer, to let them get a bit more heat and set some flowering shoots. Last summer was so cool that for the first time in decades, none of mine set flowers. 

This is a slippery slope: I can see that a cold greenhouse would be even more useful, and then, a heated greenhouse, so as to grow just about anything bulbous. I'll try to hold off on the rest for a few more years. ; -)

Pacific Northwest Coast, zone 7-8, wet winters and dryish summers

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