We have an unmoderated list which means people can post without approval. Instructions ask people to post privately when they are trading bulbs and not to offer things for sale on the list. The last is because our list is sponsored as an educational list, not a commercial one. I usually email people privately if they continually abuse this because I don't want unpleasant communications on the list. If I don't get a response with a promise to reform and this continues, the only option we have is to moderate the posts. One of the reasons we ask for discussions of trades to be off list is in case something goes wrong; we do not want the list with permanent archives to be a place where people air their unhappiness with a trade. I decided to moderate Warren's posts since he continued to post messages about the Haemanthus he wanted to sell after I asked him more than once privately not to. He has responded to Diana's post (also including four previous messages which I have also asked him repeatedly not to do) saying that he was unhappy with the quality of the material she sent him in trade and did not feel it was equal to the quality of his bulbs and therefore wanted more from her before he sent anything. I will forward his post on to Diana and hope the two of them can sort it out between them without involving the rest of us. This exchange illustrates I believe why it is best to do your trading privately and not on the list. One of the nice things about this list has been that over the years people have with only a few exceptions been extraordinarily polite, generous, and helpful to the other members of the list. So many lists have unpleasant exchanges between people. We do not want this to happen on our list. Mary Sue PBS List Administrator