call for articles for The Bulb Garden

Jane Merryman
Tue, 19 Apr 2011 14:38:54 PDT
We have just put together the spring issue of The Bulb Garden and it 
will be mailed out soon.

It's time to start thinking about the summer issue. We are looking for 
articles of about 1,200 words. Shorter contributions are also accepted. 
These subjects are welcome:
book reviews
bulb-growing techniques
your experiences growing certain species
travel to see bulbs in the wild
botanical gardens with bulb collections (anyone want to write up the 
Missouri Botanical Garden?)
diseases and their cures
anything else you can think of

Sadly, Robin Hansen will no longer be doing a regular column. Would 
anyone like to fill in that space?

You can discuss this with me at

Jane Merryman
Editor, The Bulb Garden

Read my blog at

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