Tulbaghia simmleri - genetics?

Bracey Tiede tiede@pacbell.net
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:53:51 PDT
T. simmleri 'Cheryl Renshaw' is quite vigorous here in San Jose CA.  Cheryl
herself gave us a clump and it's doing very well.  And it's nicely fragrant
unlike the others that are common here.  As for hardiness, we rarely get to
32F or below so I can't comment.

San Jose CA

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org]
On Behalf Of David Fenwick
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 9:46 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Tulbaghia simmleri - genetics?

Hi James,
There are a few diffent white forms of T. simmleri, some are quite weak. I 
actually named one that I obtained from California several years ago. I 
called it Tulbaghia simmleri 'Cheryl Renshaw' and grown well it is stately 
as many good Agapanthus. One of the best Tulbaghia.

Regarding hybrids, there are a few bicolored pink and white forms of T. 
simmleri about and these have either been wild selected or crosses between 
the pink and the white. I would hazard a guess that if you've enough seed 
you'd probably produce one.

This Tulbaghia is one of the least hardy and isn't grown outdoors much in 
temperate climates; ideally it wants frost free conditions if grown outdoors

as its seasons of bloom are usually mid-winter and mid-summer. In the UK if 
grown in a conservatory you are almost guaranteed flowers on Christmas Day.

In my experience I would say it is shy to produce seed if left to chance; 
and probably  the least promiscuous of the genus.

Best Wishes,
Dave (Penzance, UK. ex NCCPG National Collection Holder of Tulbaghia)

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