Iris - where does it sit?

Sat, 30 Apr 2011 10:44:10 PDT
I got the help needed about where to place the genetics of this iris. Thanks
to all. To help remove an issue that came up but was not really my concern I
reshot another flower this morning in full sun. It is fresher and the color
is more vibrant whereas the earlier one was taken with flash in the evening.
I would say it is closer to 'Black Gameock' but my opinions on irid
cultivars are not to be taken seriously.…


Yes indeed, and a real beauty it is.   One of the most popular Louisiana 
iris hybrids.

Darlene Cook

My guess would be Black Gamecock which shows a lot of Iris brevicaulis
influence for a Louisiana hybrid in flower shape and size but is much darker
and richer in color such as the photo shows.

Tallahassee, Florida

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