Paramongaia weberbaueri seeds
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 05:08:15 PDT
Hi Andy,

Most likely the seeds are derived from  the winter growing form of Paramongaia, that is the form growing at the NYBG where Marc works.  Refrigerate (do not freeze) the seed until temps cool in Sept or Oct, then sow.  I've sprouted them by floating them on water and pricking them off and planting them as they germinate (like is sometimes done with hippeastrums) and also sown them directly into pots, they work either way.  Fungicide may be advised in the latter case, in case a dud seed gets consumed by a fungus that then spreads to live seeds.  They are not difficult to grow, treat like any other winter growing geophyte.

Ernie DeMarie
Tuckahoe NY Z6/7
Too much cloudy/rainy weather of late, but Iris lazica opened yesterday on a nice sunny day. 

-----Original Message-----
From: kuang huang <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 7:51 am
Subject: Re: [pbs] Paramongaia weberbaueri seeds

Hi Ton, thanks for the information. Do you soak the seed before you put in the 
oil? I live in the Southern California, the weather never get too cold, right 
ow the daily temp is between 55F to 75F(12C at night and 23C day time) so I am 
hinking grow the seed in house. By the way, I am not sure whether I got winter 
orm Paramongaia or summer Paramongaia, will find out later.
Best regards,

rom: Ton Wijnen <>
o: Pacific Bulb Society <>
ent: Thu, April 21, 2011 2:05:39 AM
ubject: Re: [pbs] Paramongaia weberbaueri seeds
Hallo Andy
I have germinating Paramongaia seeds a few years ago in a warm greenhouse.
 am living in the Netherlands.
he temp in the green house was 22 Celcius at day and 20 Celcius at night.
he soil was good drained and I put a plastic bag over the pot. Make the
oil once moisty and than the plastic bag over the pot.
hen the seeds are germinating, the seedlings have two leaves, take the
lastic bag away. But still little bit watering the seedlings, I did spray
hem every day.
ot in the full sun.
aramongaia seedlings are growing very, very slowly, I have now 5 seedlings
bout 3 years old, the bulbs are only a half cm.
Kind regards
Ton Wijnen
he Netherlands

----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
an: []
amens kuang huang
erzonden: donderdag 21 april 2011 5:11
nderwerp: [pbs] Paramongaia weberbaueri seeds

i All, just got the Paramongaia seeds, now I really need someone advise on
o grow the plant from seed. Could someone make suggestion like how to
he seed and what kind of soil I should use later on. Any input will be 
Best regards,
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