Terra cotta

Paul Licht plicht@berkeley.edu
Sat, 02 Apr 2011 17:29:40 PDT
With regard to succulents, you may be interested that the Garden has 
just started a massive repotting of our cactus and succulent collection 
in the Arid House (over 2000 accession) The decision was made to switch 
from traditional clay to black plastic. While there are several reasons, 
one is that the plastic does not dry out as fast. The longer retention 
of water is considered an advantage since the plants are not put through 
as rapid a wet-dry cycle. Of course it also reduces the frequency of 
water which is a considerable time savings for this kind of colleciton. 
Amaryllids are not included in this collection.

Paul Licht, Director
Univ. California Botanical Garden
200 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720

On 4/2/2011 5:19 PM, santoury@aol.com wrote:
> I find that Terra cotta (read: Clay) pots are a MUCH safer way to grow Hippeastrum/Amaryllis. In plastic, they are so much more prone to rotting from the bottom up. I've NEVER had this happen with a clay-potted Amaryllis.
> I suppose this is true for most succulents as well.
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