Tulip 'Titian' - Is Google My Friend?

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Tue, 19 Apr 2011 09:27:15 PDT
In the early 1800s, Robert Sweet produced */The Florist's Guide and 
Cultivator's Directory or drawings of the choicest Florists flowers/*, 
which contained a large number of hand-colored botanical engravings. The 
work was published in London by James Ridgeway between 1827 and 1832. It 
featured engravings after Edwin Dalton Smith which were engraved by J. 
Watts and printed on fine woven, watermarked paper. This book on old 
tulips, extinct English florists tulips, no longer extant, mentions 
*Titian Tulip* <http://oldtulips.org/images/titian_tulip_lg.jpg> - 
/Tulipa Gesneriana var. Titiana /The image shows a single red tulip 
flamed with yellow

Michael King's book on Gardening with Tulips has a brief mention of 
"sport of a very old Double Early tulip called 'Titian'. The 
multi-petalled flowers are bright red and the bold fringes are 
highlighted in rich glowing yellow."/


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