I'll second Ellens observation as there is an area near Beaver, Arkansas where there must be at least an acre of Leucojum growing along the river there. I've also seen a small area in the Coastal Plain of Alabama where it was growing with Trillium decipiens. I am sure I could check the herbarium when I head in and find more sites. Aaron Knoxville, Tennessee --- On Mon, 4/18/11, Ellen Hornig <hornig@earthlink.net> wrote: From: Ellen Hornig <hornig@earthlink.net> Subject: Re: [pbs] Leucojum aestivum flower size comparison To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> Date: Monday, April 18, 2011, 12:32 AM I'm interested to see that Jim states in his blog (see link below) that L. aestivum doesn't "jump the garden fence" often. There are huge drifts of it gone wild along the Oswego River north of the town of Fulton, old enough and well-enough known to be mentioned in floras I have read (unfortunately I'm traveling now and can't track down a reference). They tend to grow in low-lying seasonally flooded byways behind the banks of the river.