Scilla paucei pics ? = L. socialis

aaron floden
Tue, 19 Apr 2011 04:16:26 PDT
 It would seem the combination Ledebouria paucifolia has never been made even though Baker described these new Scilla as "Scilla [Ledebouria] spp", knowing that they all fit within the Ledebouria section of Scilla at the time (1875).

 I also meant to mention that the type of Scilla paucifolia is clearly the more ovate leaved L. socialis in cultivation, but it is not clear if it is distinctly different.


--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Nhu Nguyen <> wrote:

From: Nhu Nguyen <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Scilla paucei pics ? = L. socialis
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 7:36 AM

Hi everyone,

There is certainly much confusion with this plant. I just made a quick
Google search and found a plant that has beautiful leaves and flowers that
look exactly like what we have come to know as L. socialis *except* that it
lacks any purple coloring. Take a look at the link below and you can perhaps
see into the past where Baker studied a plant similar to this one. So with
that, I think the synonomy of this particular plant and L. socialis is
pretty certain.…

However, most of the plants out there, including Jude's plant do not have
leaves that look like this at all. They are ovate and have faint minute
markings. They a much slower growing plant as well, despite the ability to
produce lots of offsets. I remember when I broke a leaf on my plant. It took
months before the leaf was replaced. However, all of this does not mean that
it can't just be another form of L. socialis.

The Ledebouria-Scilla-Resnova-Drimiopsis group is a big mess and until
someone works out the details, we will have to try and stick to the most
correct name we know of. Both of the names "L. pauciflora" AND "L.
paucifolia" are applied to this plant when doing a web search. The problem
is that both of these names are not valid under any plant list, even the
most comprehensive of them: A Google search
for L. pauciflora brings up 14,500 hits whereas L. paucifolia only brings up
2,640 hits. The entry on the PBS wiki is meant to catch the most searches.
There is no synonym on the page so I'll add it to that page.

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