Hi, There seems to be a fair amount of interest in our group in Ledebouria, but a lot of frustration too about identification of them. On our wiki Ledebouria page we have a lot of unidentified species and I have some other pictures of species from Cameron on CDs that are also labeled Ledebouria sp. I have added one of my own today. I grew it from seed from Silverhill Seed labeled L. ovalifolia. I must not have looked it up or found out much about it and assumed it was a summer rainfall species so started the seed in April instead of in the fall and it germinated a couple of months later and I ended up with three bulbs. I continued to grow it that way, moving it undercover in the winter where it remained damp but not soggy during its dormancy and watering it in summer. It started blooming five years later and has continued to produce leaves in spring and bloom late spring-early summer (May to June). I never got around to adding photos of it to the wiki. Recently I decided to do that and discovered that it is unlikely that it is that species since that one is described in a number of my sources as having ascending or erect leaves. I looked back at Rhoda's introduction when this was a topic of the week and she stated that Hankey described this species as having appressed leaves, but said the ones she grew had semi-upright leaves. It has a broad distribution from the northwest Cape to the southeastern Cape so perhaps there could be variation in the leaves. I asked Aaron for an opinion and he suggested L. marginata. But it doesn't have the distinctive margin of that species and the Venter description of it states it has spirally twisted tough glaucous leaves with prominent venation that are partly emerged with flowering. The leaves of my plants appear before flowering and I wouldn't describe them that way. He also suggested perhaps L. ovatifolia or L. revoluta but those leaves are usually spotted and the later often crisped. After struggling a bit with the Venter paper in Herbertia I decided the best option was to declare it another sp. and add it to the rest on the wiki page. If any of you have any ideas about it or any of the others we haven't figured out, please speak up. The new one is at the bottom of the others, but opinions about any of them are welcome. <http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/….> Mary Sue Mary Sue Ittner California's North Coast Wet mild winters with occasional frost Dry mild summers