Information on Pacific BX 194

Mary Sue Ittner
Mon, 05 Jan 2009 17:36:13 PST
I sent this information to Dell earlier about my contributions. Sorry about 
the Moraea tripetala. I lost track of it. The Nerine seed was starting to 
sprout when I sent it on to Dell awhile ago.

Mary Sue

Moraea tripetala cormlets--This winter growing Moraea lasts for longer than 
a few hours and is one that I've found more reliable than some
Triteleia clementina-- Southern California island species I was given seed 
of when I first joined the Pacific Bulb Society
Calydorea amabilis -- summer-fall blooming, short lived flowers, but 
produces them over a long time
Gladiolus carmineus-- pink flowers in the fall before the leaves appear, 
low, quite charming, grows naturally within view of the ocean so probably 
not very hardy. It is seeding itself about in my northern California 
coastal garden
Nerine sarniensis hybrid seed--these are from a second generation group of 
plants grown from seed from the rescue plants of a number of years ago. 
They are pink, but at times have kind of a purple tinge to them.

Mary Sue

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