[SPAM] Re: [BULBS-L] Importing Bulbs and Seeds

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:50:28 PST
Justin wrote about his problems in using the small seed lots permit. 

Justin, if you had spent as much time reading the sixteen conditions which
accompanied your import permit for small lots of seed, you would not have
had the problems you mention. Condition number 10 reads, in plain English: 

“10. The shipment must be free from soil, plant material other than seed,
other foreign matter or debris, seeds in the fruit or seed pod, and living
organisims such as parasitic plnats, pathogens, insects, snails, and mites."

When you write “One important things to remember about the "small lot of
seed" program is that it is just that a "SMALL" lot of seed, thats 50 seed
or less. If you import 51 seed it is suppose to have a phyto. Bummer huh”
you’re spreading bad information. 

Go back and read the instructions. You are not limited to fifty seeds. The
limit is a maximum of 50 packs x a maximum of fifty seeds per pack = 2500
seeds. All fifty packs can contain the same taxon, so you can import 2500
seeds of the same item under your small lots permit. 

Getting the shipper to comply with your request to repack the seeds in this
manner is another issue!

You also state “I have no idea why they ask you to spell out exactly what
seed you want to import and from what country. I”

You don’t have to “spell out exactly what seed you want to import”. It’s
sufficient to simply list the genus. 

Justin, bellyaching about the problems you caused for yourself isn’t going
to help anyone. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone
7, where Narcissus cantabricus foliosus is blooming in the protected frame. 
My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/
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