
James Waddick
Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:40:07 PST
>As requested privately. I never or almost never seek out a website 
>listed on PBS and I never buy plants because as a rule these are 
>offered for sale in North America and the hoops to jump to 
>facilitate importation are rarely worth the trouble, I also believe 
>it works the other way too.

Dear Iain,
	Sorry no one has made a response to your note.
	I tend to disagree. .... in part.

	I exchange seeds and plants often beyond these shores- both 
ways. As seed chairman for SIGNA, I've received thousands of seed 
this season from 8 or 9 countries and just today mailed seeds to 10 

	I hear from friends that seeds travel fairly freely in the 
mail with or without USDA regulations and the fear they encourage.

	I have purchased, seeds, bulbs and plants from various 
countries and continents routinely and manage to navigate the USDA 
regulations and their stupidity.

	Just look at the Bulb Ex with donations from Argentina, 
Italy, Canada, and many other countries. I bet Dell ships packets 
around the world.

	I do agree that most of us are less concerned with specific 
provenance as you must be. I do think you could get more specifics if 
requested. I am most impressed by the high quality and rarity of BX 

	Still one of the main benefits of this list is the exchange 
of info, experience and insights. In these dark days of winter, it is 
a special treat to hear of something 'green' going on in milder parts 
of the world, greenhouses and for the hardiest plant productions.

	I hope others give you their 2 cents worth		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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