Update to Edgewood Gardens Web Site

John T Lonsdale john@johnlonsdale.net
Thu, 01 Jan 2009 12:02:38 PST
Happy New Year!


2008 seems to have come and gone in a flash, and I guess 2007 did the same;
I haven't added any new images to the Edgewood Gardens web site for nearly 2
years.  I haven't taken that many either, but have just finished processing
those I did keep, and have uploaded them to the site; I've added about 850
new photos and also removed quite a few that have been superseded.    Plants
can be seen at http://edgewoodgardens.net/Plants_album/… and
general garden views are at
http://edgewoodgardens.net/Garden_album/….  You can choose to
view just the updated images, or find them amongst all the others, arranged
by family or season.


The pictures I've added include a lot of trilliums, particularly the newly
described T. oostingii, and also a possibly to be described 'T.
lanceolatum'.  I recorded a first meaningful flowering here of Dracunculus
vulgaris, with its evil scent (it flowered last year but my wife watched the
flower be destroyed by an angry bird of prey), and a true first flowering
from seed of Fritillaria striata, with its delightful scent.  I also
captured a praying mantis's strike on an unsuspecting butterfly, and a
minute later, a wasp's attack on a spider crossing the driveway.
Erythronium rostratum continues to excite, and I should have some bulbs
spare this coming year.  There are a number of unidentified species - either
because I have no idea what they are or I've forgotten what they are
supposed to be - please let  me know if you can identify any of these.
There are also a few unidentified snowdrops - these should be easy to
identify because I understand they are only named if obviously different to
anything else currently available.  Two Gazanias from Panayoti Kelaidis's
generously supplied seed are wonderful - G. krebsiana 'Tanager' and G.
linearis - and both seem persistent; those that do die off over winter are
replaced by seedlings.  A couple of very different variegated Mertensias
found in Illinois are building up nicely and two fall-flowering and colorful
'daisies' that I love are Symphyotrichum georgianum and Pityopsis
graminifolia.  A particularly tidy form of the latter from SW Georgia is
covered with yellow flowers over leaves so hairy they appear to be silver.
I'm growing many more US natives from seed, so expect to see a lot of
pictures of Baptisia, Amsonia, Aster, Solidago and more in future.  There
should also be many Helleborus species that are going in the recently
renovated beds along the driveway, and more seed-raised paeony species
should begin to flower.  I've also planted many intersectional paeonies
which will be spectacular as they continue to build up.


Most folks don't do anything to calibrate their computer monitors, so the
colors of the images they view often look very little like those the
photographer intended because they are displayed using whatever default
color profile happens to be installed.    If you click on
you will find a review of aspects of color management, especially as they
relate to viewing images in web browsers.  FireFox 3 and Safari are the only
two mainstream browsers that honor image's embedded ICC profiles and display
them (corrected through the computer's monitor profile) in the manner
intended by the author.  I love Safari and would strongly recommend it, both
for this feature and the fact that it renders pages much faster (on my
computers at least) than any other browser, especially IE.


Anyway - please enjoy the images and feel free to drop me a note with any


Thanks and all the best,





John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 315 571 9232

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at  <http://www.edgewoodgardens.net/>

USDA Zone 6b


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