Actually, Cuyamaca state park drops all the way down to Alpine, Ca., which is about 3000 ft alt. I live at 3700 ft, right under Mt. Cuyamaca on the southwest slope. We had snow on the peak through Christmas week; but that has now melted. We often get a few days of snow at this altitude during the 1st 3 months of the year, with a lot of rain and wind. It is definitely winter here at least through Feb. First few early bloom begins in late Feb. Apr-May have the best display. We have even had occasional snow on Easter. I do know the native herbaceous plants on this side of Cuyamaca. Most of my lists belong to pressed plants I gathered near my home when the SD Natural History Museum started its program to fill its herbarium with recent samples gathered by local residents. I could share that with folks who don't gather from the wild if anyone is interested. Borrego state park has blooms much earlier. The fields around Borrego provide a beautiful display. I don't have the site, but Anza-Borrego state park has a web page that you can probably google. It always tells when they expect or are having the bloom season. >