protected cold frame

Marguerite English
Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:48:41 PST
The Bulb Garden will be happy to reprint anything you write, Jane.   We also published a version of that article in one of our very first issues.  If folks agree, we can surely get it into the summer issue, if not spring.
It was very enjoyable. 

While I am writing,  I would like to ask some of you to respond to a quick survey.  Please send your response privately. When reading any of our recent articles, did you check out a website or purchase plants from the author.  

---- Pacific Bulb Society <> wrote:
> For those who are asking for more details about using bulb frames, I 
> wrote an article on the subject for the NARGS Rock Garden Quarterly 
> some years ago. Would people like to have it reprinted in the PBS newsletter?
> Jane McGary

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