Babiana ringens / was Brunsvigia grandiflora/ Expensive bulbs on eBay
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 17:45:50 PST
Gosh, if people are going to sell you seeds or plants, they should throw a pollinator in for free!!!

Hi Paul,
I grow Babiana ringens.  Seed was from Silverhill in 2000 or 2001 and the plants 
first bloomed in 2007 and set seed in 2008. As there are no sunbirds in the 
greenhouse, I don't know what the pollinator was.  Seed was sown May 2008, 
watered in mid-September, and germinated in October.  These plants have the 
typical pleated, stiff leaves, a glaucus tinge, and are quite attractive out of 
bloom and superb when flowering.

If I get seed this year, I'd love to exchange some with you.

Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina USA
Zone 7b-8
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