At 02:34 AM 13/01/2009, you wrote: > >Cedric Morris is a tetraploid form of N asturiensis ( ssp > >vilarvildensis) just as N. lagoi > >_______________________________________________ > >Thanks for this info. > > Can anyone suggest a source for bulbs of the species N. asturiensis ? > > And tell me more about N. lagoi. This is not on the Wiki and >Googl doesn't offer much more. > Does ANYONE grow this one? Jim, Bryan Duncan in the UK offered seed of it this year (I ordered some, that is why I know of it <grin>). He had some fascinating Narcissus seed available. We had a discussion on it on the Scottish Rock Garden Club a few months ago. I can dig up more information on his offerings if you're interested? Cheers. Paul T. Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx. 8/9 Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all over the world including Aroids, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Galanthus, Irises, Trilliums (to name but a few) and just about anything else that doesn't move!!