Jim - The parentage of Elizabeth Traub as "Ellen Bousanquet' x C. scabrum is from Traub's own writings. It has been publishes as Ellen B. X Cecil Houdyshel, but this is apparently incorrect and I am not sure where it originated. It expresses a lot of characteristics that are more C. moorei like but this seems to happen often with Ellen B. as a parent. I really cannot tell you much about hardiness in your zone but would not expect much different results that Ellen B. It certainly is not of of the forms that "resists" colder temperatures here like Super Ellen or C. bulbispermum. Have you been able to try Super Ellen's sister seedling SunBonnet? It is a really dark colored flower and richer than Ellen B. How do hybrids with a quarter C. bulbispermum contribution such as Walter Flory or Summerglow do for you? These are Ellen B. X C. Xpowellii crosses that may have more hardiness that Ellen B. or Elizabeth Traub. Other hybrids I would suspect would have good hardiness would be Carnival, Mardi Gras, Cape Dawn, and Claude Davis. Do you know if any of these perform in you climate? Alani Davis Tallahassee, Florida