Skunk lily
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:23:18 PST
It never fails to amaze me why or how some of the common names arise in some parts of the world.

Googling "Skunk Lily" is a revelation. The proper botanical name is Fritillaria camschatcensis which is found growing over a wide area in Japan and the Russian far East as well as across the Baring Straight into Alaska and probably parts of neighbouring Canada. In Russia the common name is "Sarana Lily" or the "Black Lily". There are two forms known to me, one of which has an albino colour form which oddly is yellow. Our plants here are from Russia and they have not got the slightest sense of any unpleasant smell, one of my contacts in England grows the North American provenance of this species and tonight he tells me he cannot tell any sign of a bad smell. Odd! It does pose the question though, what was the person doing, what was his/her thing if they came up with a name like "Dirty Nappy/Diaper Lily"  Verily the mind doth boggle greatly, yuk!


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