Dear All, The items listed below have been donated by our members to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at <>. Include "BX 195" in the subject line. Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify quantities. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in case I don't already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money (usually $2.00/item) (cash, check, or Pay Pal to <>; no money orders, please) you should send the PBS treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class, priority-mail, or international postage. PLEASE NOTE: NEW POSTAL-RATE SCHEMES NECESSITATE OUR PLACING A SURCHARGE ON EACH ORDER FROM PBS BX OFFERINGS. Some of you are members of the online PBS discussion forum but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society. THIS BX OFFERING IS AVAILABLE ONLY TO MEMBERS OF THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage of future offers such as this. Go to our website: .... If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS,(Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for their donations.), please send CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell Sherk 6832 Phillips Mill Rd. New Hope, PA, 18938 USA I WILL REPLY TO YOU WITHIN 24 HRS OF MY RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME, TRY AGAIN !! From Pieter van der Walt: SEEDS: 1. Boophone disticha, "courtesy of BuPSSA, the Bulbous Plant Society of Southern African - a lively group of gardeners, botanists and horticulturists who meet once a month at the Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden in Roodepoort, Gauteng, for a talk about bulbs by an expert speaker. BuPSSA has been going for about two years now, and hope to have a webpage up and running in the near future to facilitate communication, post articles and manage the seed exchange that sprouted from its meetings. BuPSSA aims to serve a similar membership than IBSA, but for the Northern regions of South Africa, international membership will also become possible in the future, once their journal has been sorted out." 2. Crinum ligulatum, "originally from Itremo, Madagascar. The seeds are from hand-pollinated plants in my collection. This is a very beautiful species." 3. Nelumbo nucifera var. caspicum aka Russian Red Lotus, "from the Volga River Delta in Russia, I received my original material from Walter Pagels who is known the world over for his contributions to watergardening. These have single, dark pink flowers which are produced prolifically through summer." Thank you, Pieter !! Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX