Judy wrote > My brother once told me that cashews come in clusters, surrounded by a > very thick hard shell. And that every year people are killed by falling > clusters of cashews in the shell. Not cashews - Perhaps Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa, family Lecythidaceae, which I'd never heard of until I just looked it up) or what is sometimes called Malabar chestnut, Pachira aquatica, which is in family Bombacaceae (or Malvaceae if it's been transferred.) Both have very large fruits full of many nuts. Brazil nut fruits are larger and very woody. Or members of genus Araucaria, like the monkey puzzle tree and bunya bunya, some of which have enormous cones. Cashews, family Anacardiaceae along with mango, poison ivy, sumac, and the elephant trees from Baja California, Pachycormus discolor) are single, not-very-large tropical fruits. The nut is born singly on the blossom end of the fruit. The fruit is commonly pressed into juice in Brazil. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA