importing bulbs and seeds

Mark Mazer
Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:46:29 PST
>This has been done by Joyce Fingerut, the past president of NARGS who 
>was the real driving force behind the establishment of the Small Lots 
>of Seed permit program. I'll see if PBS could post some version of it.
>Jane McGary
Hi Jane,
You might want to caution interested folks that the USDA epermitting system becomes a real hassle if you are not an active user. If you are not logging onto your account every 180 days then you must reactivate the password and if you are not logging on every 400 days you must contact the USDA directly.  The system works best for occasional users if one applies by snailmail or fax. I took some time today to review the procedures for the small lots of seed permits and they are really quite explicit and easy to follow just as I found when applying for my permit days after the system went into effect.  One conondrum that I ran into is that I receive my mail at a PO box and they want a physical address.  The solution is to have the mail for the physical address forwarded by the Post office to one's PO box.  My two cents, for what it's worth.


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