If you've ever visited Ian Young's Bulb Log on the website of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, you will know that he's as dedicated as any of us to growing geophytes, and has a great way of presenting his knowledge too. He will be giving two presentations at the NARGS Western Winter Study Weekend in Portland, Oregon, March 13-15 2009. We welcome everyone to this meeting, which will also feature a talk by John Lonsdale, along with a number of talks focusing on how to design gardens, especially small ones, to accommodate small, unusual plants such as rock gardeners love. For information on the meeting, go to http://www.nargs.org/meet/west09home.html or write to the registrar, Jan Dobak, at jddobak@pcez.com Registration is just $225 for the three-day event, which includes a banquet, breakfasts, and a huge plant sale. Bulbs will be in flower in many of the featured open gardens, including mine. With best wishes, Jane McGary