skunk lily, chocolate lily, castor seed

Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:47:16 PST
Dear Ria,
All these plants might work but some strains only as they don't always contain the chemical componant that dissuades the moles.I have tried many times various plants but have found them pushing up the very plants that I had put in just to drive them away!!
Try humane mole traps and take the creatures away to some local woodland?Chemicals are only a temporary solution as you have found out!
Kind regards,

> Message du 10/01/09 07:12
> De : "Maria Standard" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [pbs] skunk lily, chocolate lily, castor seed
> I am in search of skunk lily, chocolate lily, and castor seed plants, or
> bulbs, seeds will work not sure if its a bulb or not. Have heard that they
> can be used to get rid of moles and I have a huge problem. It was in my yard
> and we treated it with chemicals and they moved on, right into my rhubarb
> garden. Just subscribed to the list so I'm not sure how
> that works so if you could send comments to the list and to me directly via
> e-mail that would be great. E-mail is
> Thanks,
> Ria
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