to "hurl accusations". >Perhaps it's you that owes me an apology. > >ORIGINAL CUT AND PASTE: >I'm glad I live near the Port of Houston for receiving mail from overseas >and that its one of the primary destinations for massive amounts of incoming >and outgoing international mail. They are so overwhelmed, they just run the >dogs along long conveyor belts and unless they hit on drugs or explosives, >its good to go (A good friend of mine works there). > You also wrote: -----Original Message----- >From: Deborah Jordan <> >Sent: Jan 26, 2009 5:53 PM >To: Pacific Bulb Society <> >Subject: Re: [pbs] Importing Bulbs and Seeds > >To All- >As far as Debbie goes--I haven't traded seeds with anyone internationally in >quite sometime. Therefore, you have traded seed internationaly, "glad" that it slips through a busy port. Quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, must be a duck.