-------------------------------- What I mean for reblooming is a plant which sends scapes i.e. in June and again in August or September. So far the only true reblooming crinum I grow is Cecil Houdyshel. ------------------------------- Hi Gang and Angelo, I agree with the proposed definition of reblooming. For me, C. bulbispermum Jumbo hybrids do the typical 2-4 scapes in Spring and then slow down for summer. Mature plants, if well watered, will put up more blooms in late August and right up till frost. Therefore, I was happy to see 'Bradley' reblooming this summer. 'Eagle Rock' reblooms, irregularly but relalibly. 'Summer Nocturne' is late to start but if you keep it well watered a clump just keeps blooming till November (later if no frosts)--not every week but reliably often. 'Hannibals Dwarf' reblooms in late summer and sometimes tries to make a third performance before frost--it too needs lots of water to keep on track. Some C. asiaticum-like plants (or hybrids) seem to bloom off and on till frost cuts them down. They may bloom early in the season, or wait till June to start, but then they can keep making flowers. C. x augustum seems to bloom only in winter, and it is not suitable for me to grow becuase I don't protect my plants from cold. However, friends in Houston (a bit warmer) grow it in frost-free gardens where it reliably blooms several times from December till spring. They may experience drop to 31-33 F once or twice a winter, but plants near the house never feel that cold. I've finally decided that one key for rebloom is water, water, water. I think they need several years of good, regular irrigation (no month-long droughts) before Crinum give their best performances. I can't be sure, but that's my current "hypothesis of the week." Cordially, Joe