rainlilies, pots, grasshoppers

Joe Shaw jshaw@opuntiads.com
Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:35:32 PDT
Mine are all in pots, which several people such as Alberto Castillo, will 
tell you isn't the best way to grow them unless you grow them in very large 
pots (5 gal. or larger)


Hi Gang,

More good advice about growing rainlilies.  I guess I'll have to move my 
plants up to larger containers.  Maybe this winter will provide the time.  I 
do like the rainlilies, and I now I think I've been mistreating them.

They don't have many problems, even with my small pots and stingy watering 
schedule.  However, they are devoured by the Eastern Lubber Grasshopper, 
which are truly beautiful but alien-looking insects.

The instars (juveniles are black and red, or black and yellow).  The adults 
are a psychadelic mix of yellow, red, orange, black, tan, and sometimes a 
hint of green.  Both adults and juveniles devour amaryllids.  Rainlilies are 
mowed to the ground unless I keep control of the grasshoppers.    The 
insects actually remove all foliage and flower buds, and rainliles seem as 
if they are "gone."  Once I put out insecticide the rainliles come back.

Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers like Crinum, Hippeastrum, Hymenocallis, and all 
sorts of related plants.  I think they survive from year-to-year in my yard 
because I won't put insecticides in the low areas of my yard, the places 
where runoff can enter nearby ponds.

LINK:   Photo, Close-up of Adult and Juvenile

LINK:  Photo, Feeding Frenzy, Juveniles Devouring Hymenocallis near the 
Trinkity River in Texas

They will eat leaves, flowers, seed pods, seeds, and perhaps slow-moving 


Conroe, TX
The weather has cooled a bit and maybe the fall-blooming bulbs will begin 
their shows.  A few oxblood lilies have come up but the heat fried the 
blooms last week.

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