Hi Gang, Marcelle sent me photo today, an image of 'Amelia Garza.' It is a knockout plant for several reaons: 1. The fowers are truly huge, check the dinner plate in the photo for size comparison, 2. The flowers are delightfully fragrant, 3. It reblooms, starting in June, and; 4. It is good summer-bloomer and fall-bloomer, just taking its time and blooming when it wants, till cold weather. Marcelle reports this is the 3rd scape for the summer, and that it has 8 buds, 4 of which opened today. She writes the is is delightfully fragrant, and can perfume a room. It has been nearly 100 F (38 C) all week, some days warmer. Yet, this found plant keeps on blooming. Marcelle reports that she's getting around a lot in the garden, and that she is increasing her plants as best she can. Maybe she'll be up for business in a year or two--who can say. I guess that when a tree and a porch (both) fall you you, causing a broken pelvis (and other bones) as well as a small stroke, you just take things one day at a time. Right after Marcelle got home from the hospital Hurricane Rita hit East Texas; she's been busy recovering her health and garden ever since. Thus, there is no way to predict when she'll be offering her beauties for sale. Many of you have enquired and I don't know the answer. LINK: New photo, Crinum x 'Amelia Garza' http://www.opuntiads.com/photos/amelia-garza.jpg LINK: Info Page, Crinum x 'Amelia Garza' http://crinum.iconx.com/html/crinum-found/… Cordially, Joe Shaw