Hi Joe, I grow many rainlilies that enjoy moist soils, especially Zephyranthes candida (it loves wet feet), along with its hybrids 'Grandjax', 'Ajax', and 'Aquarius'. Z. labuffarosa and its selections also thrive in moist, even mucky, soils, as does Z. grandiflora, Z. 'El Cielo', Z. 'Cookie Cutter Moon' and the southeast US native, Z. atamasco. I have had no problems with winter dampness with any of these either. I grow all of my rainlilies in the ground, but if you want to grow them in containers, you might try growing some of the above with saucers under the containers and see if they perform any differently for you. Regards, Jay Joe Shaw wrote: However, they also seem to thrive on regular irrigation (such as next to a well watered lawn) as long as they have soil that drains adequately. I have yet to try/find/hear-about a rainlily that enjoys wet feet.