HI, Joe: >I wonder if there are folks interested pollen-sharing. I think a pollen exchange is every bit as valuable as having a seed exchange--but I also think that many of the same rules need to be applied. Limited number of requests, some kind of price with credits for donors, etc. Perhaps some of the resulting seed could be shared with the pollen donor, or with PBS, or? The rhododendron society had (? has?) a pollen bank, and pollen donated was stored in a freezer and made available when someone requested (and paid for) it. The North American Lily Society had an informal arrangement, with one member accepting requests and keeping a list of donors. That exchange only lasted a couple years. New Zealand I understand, has a much more successful pollen bank for lily pollen, and sends it to many countries. The number of people wanting pollen is most likely fewer than who want seed, but it can still be a lot of work. It might be possible to have one person hold pollen of say Crinum, Amaryllis, Brunsvigia while someone else could hold Crocus, Tulips, etc while a third could maintain the bank for Erythronium, etc. I'm interested, and would like to be kept "in the loop" about what you think would work. Ken Hixson