Scilla scilloides, Iris dichotoma

Jim McKenney
Tue, 22 Aug 2006 04:51:25 PDT
Scilla scilloides is blooming here in Maryland. 

And Iris dichotoma continues to bloom freely. This plant has been very good
this year, and it's been a real pleasure to see the new crop of blossoms
every afternoon for the last few weeks. The single clump I have has four or
five "fans", and on many days there have been over a dozen flowers opening.
The flower color is such a soft, subdued gray-blue that it does not have a
big impact, but it is very lovely when seen close up. 

Earlier this year, when Lycoris squamigera was blooming, I thought the Iris
dichotoma and the Lycoris would make good companions (as they grow here now,
they are not close together). The iris is also very nice with some lavender
now blooming with it - the flower colors are very close.

If the Iris lasts into colchicum season, that should provide some handsome

And now I can see that the Scilla scilloides and the Iris dichotoma make a
nice combination, too. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where we've been enjoying
wonderful weather lately: warm to hot days and cool nights. 

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