Brutal Lycoris season

Kelly Irvin
Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:08:57 PDT
It has been really hot! My Lycoris beds are showing some bloom. A number 
of Lycoris squamigera shot up stalks starting the 26th, I believe. 
Around here, you can count on or about the 25th every year with 
differences only in quantity of bloom, I suppose, based on weather. We 
got a good rain Friday and some L. sprengeri, sanguinea, and longituba 
are poking up spikes. I have been dripping another bed which has had a 
single xhaywardii (before I started dripping) come up, some houdyshelii, 
an unnamed (lost label) from Jim W. that looks a lot like houdy, radiata 
pumila, and longituba x sprengeri (or vica versa), again from Jim W. I 
miss your little sales, Jim...

If you've only recently planted them (since 05), Bill, they are probably 
just playing catchup. If the same bulbs have leafed out for you at the 
proper time before, I wouldn't know why they are coming up now.

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
The Bulbmeister
10846 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736

USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6b

Forum: wrote:
> The L. radiata that Conroe Joe so graciously offered are in a different  area 
> and two are showing some leaves---I don't think that's what they're  supposed 
> to be doing right now!
> Bill Lee

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