Diana ~ Perhaps, I've just been lucky or, maybe, it is just the nature of my particular business. I have, basically, just one product (although in considerable variety!) -- daffodils. I truthfully am unable to recall an instance where I was badgered by a customer wanting to know when an order was shipped. It just may be that those who are familiar with -- and mail order -- spring-flowering bulbs have been conditioned over the years not to expect to see them until at least after Labor Day. In your particular instance with so many different bulbs/corms/tubers, etc., you may have a mix that has to be shipped over a much longer time span and different from the concentrated shipping pattern of something like daffodils. If possible, you could state something appropriate along the line of: "Shipping begins the first week of September. Orders are filled and shipped strictly in order of original receipt, i.e., the earliest orders are first. All orders are sent at the appropriate time for successful planting in your area. For the northern tier of states and New England that is the first week of September. Transit time is expected to take up to five days." As for the email hassle, I really like the suggestion of an "auto response" put forth by Don Carndon? Camdon? Seems like a very good way to recognize and answer concerns of customers, yet one that doesn't ignore their concern or heavily involve your time in an answer. Best, Dave Karnstedt Cascade Daffodils Silverton, OR 97381-0237 email: davekarn@aol.com