Erythrina herbacea

Joe Shaw
Sat, 12 Aug 2006 14:29:34 PDT
Hi Jim,

I was reading old PBS files (the archives).  I noticed that a while back (2-3 years ago) you were looking for 2-3 pounds of Erythrina herbacea seeds.  It seems you had a colleage in Japan wishing to isolate components.  

Anyway, I have 500-1000 seeds sitting here.  I was thinging to shell them and give them away on the Texas Garden Web.  I have 2 large plants in my yard from population in Central Texas.  Last year I collected and traded about 2 cups of pure seed; I got a about $80 dollars in credit from Mesa Garden (in New Mexico).  

I certainly don't have 2-3 pounds, but could get 4-5 cups of hulled seed over a year's time if you still were interested in such things.  It goes without saying that it would be easier for me to send seeds-in-the-pod to you, and let you and your colleage sort out overseas shipping and shelling, etc.  Perhaps it is far too late to help your friend.  



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