
Wed, 19 Oct 2005 01:55:57 PDT

I brought a few Dietes types back from Florida and have been growing a few
from seed (D. grandiflora?).  Until now I have not managed to bloom any, but
the local Flora Botanical Garden has them blooming every Winter.  I've never
noticed a dormant period in the species or the Florida plants (which are
cultivars, poss. hybrids), but they do seem to require a lot of sun to
prosper. If they 'rest' at all, it may be in the Summer, when I noticed the
least growth.  Sandy soil seems to be favoured, but they benefit from some
organics and may well be heavy feeders, given the chance.  Too much moisture
always concerns me, due to my naturally wet climate, but this may be a local

I hope some others mention their experiences, as I cannot say I am
successful with Dietes, they simply have carried on until now.

Jamie V.
Cologne, Germany
Zone 8

----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Foulis" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:08 AM
Subject: [pbs] dietes

> Hello,
> I have dietes (not sure which, received the seed in a trade) which I have
> growing in a pot.  It has steadily increased in size each year.  I bring
> in and allow to grow on through the winter under lights.  It's about 5
> old now.
> Do they require a dormant period in order to encourage bloom?  How hardy
> a plant is it?
> It also has sword shaped leaves like d. grandiflora, can I assume it is?
> have a cold room, should it go there for a while?
> Thanks
> Linda Foulis
> Okotoks, AB
> Canada
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