Crocus kotschyanunus ssp. kotschyanus 'Reliance'

Brook Klehm
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 23:36:17 PDT
Jane McGary wrote: Both clones
> persist well in the open garden here, suggesting that they have some 
> trick
> of deterring rodent predation -- perhaps they pull their corms down 
> quite deep.
As I am about to move to Seattle from Sebastopol, California, I have a 
question about these "rodents".  Here in Sebastopol, we suffer 
constantly from gophers and occasionally from voles, but what rodents 
do you refer to?  And, more importantly, what controls and measures are 
effective against them?  I'm bringing the Cyclamens, Sternbergia lutea, 
Lycoris radiata that were in the ground here (in gopher baskets) and 
will be digging up Amaryllis and Nerines soon.  Should I worry?      
("Be afraid, be very afraid!!!" ?)

There's so much to learn when gardening in a new climate and locale.  I 
have no idea what to expect.  I look forward to the challenge but worry 
about losing some favored plants.

Of the topic of fall blooming bulb and rodents... I'm curious about 
growing several South African plants in the Pacific Northwest.  Does 
anyone have experience with Knowltonias in the Pacific Northwest?  I'm 
quite fond of the two species I have here: K. capensis and filia How 
about the various Restios?  I have thriving Thamnochortus insignis and 
T. cinerius, Elegia capensis and E. fenestrata, Chondropetalum 
tectorum, Rhodocoma capensis and R. gigantea in my garden.  I would 
love to move them to Seattle, but worry the plants won't be hardy 
enough for outdoor growing.  And Malesphaerula ramosa?  I have an 
expanding patch in my garden here.  Will it survive in the ground in 
Seattle?  What is local experience with plants such as these?

So many questions!  Thank you!

Brook Klehm, soon (October 18th!) to be a Seattle resident and gardener

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