Propagate Neomarica
Merrill Jensen (Wed, 05 Oct 2005 14:03:02 PDT)

I've had success with taking the plantlets off of scapes that were
accidentally broken of by rampaging squirrels. I placed the plantlets in a
50:50 peat/pearlite mix in our mist bed with bottom heat. These developed
nice root systems in just over a month and were successfully transplanted
into 1 gal pots with a quick draining mix. These will be planted in to our
perennial boarders next spring. I've also just stuck some of them in
regular potting soil and forgotten about them in the back of the holding
beds that have also rooted. They seem to be fairly forgiving... Good luck!

Merrill in Palo Alto, Zone 9/10 wishing for a frost.... Its 82 this

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of N Sterman
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:22 PM
Subject: [pbs] Propagate Neomarica

Can anyone give me instructions for propagating Neomarica from the
plantlets that form at the tips of flowering stalks?

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