Alberto has mentioned the de Jager company. As I recall, they were in South Hamilton, Massachusetts, "they" in this case being the American branch of the business. There was also a branch of the business in the UK. The American branch of the business closed down several years ago. Is the British branch still in business? Alberto, I too have wonderful memories of the de Jager company. I visited their packing shed in Anna Paulona in the summer of, I think, 1972. I think they were astonished to get a visitor at that time of year. Old Peter de Jager took me around, showing me the facility and sneaking out some bulbs for me to take home. I remember that he looked into one bag of tulips on the storage shelves and said to me " that's not what that is" - on the basis of the appearance of the bulbs! De Jager must have been one of the first companies from which I ordered bulbs as a teenager. Over the years they were my introduction to Crocus longiflorus, Iris susiana, Pleione, tulip Louis XIV, Crinum x powellii album, Fritillaria persica, the sublimely beautiful bizarre tulips such as Black Boy, Colchicum x agrippinum, my first juno irises (these were sent packed individually in little boxes as I remember, as were the Fritillaria imperialis), the bronze Dutch iris Le Mogul, the regeliocyclus iris hybrid Chione, several of the big Allium - I could go on and on. I have photos of most of these to remind me of those happy days. And Crocus imperati de Jager is still available as a reminder of this fine firm. Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where I still have the Crinum x powellii I obtained from de Jager back in the '60s of the last century.