Hello and Introduction

Carol Jensen jorna@mobilixnet.dk
Mon, 24 Oct 2005 02:51:19 PDT
At 03:15 24-10-2005, you wrote:
>A couple years ago I gave up trying tender things.  I got 
>sick of hauling pots inside on cold days and outside again on warm days.  I 
>made the big decision that if things can't survive on their own, outdoors, 
>then they didn't belong in my possession.  :-)
>Dennis in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Hi Dennis!

I cannot grow tender things outdoors at all. I do have a cultivar double white dahlia that I took inside last week (it was 3C last night, no frost quite yet). When I move I will try to see if it will grow indoors in an extremely large pot, and I will also dig up some ordinary old-fashioned yellow daffodils to put in the same pot.

And all my east windows are filled with these wonderful seedlings that have sprouted from the BXs contributions. Besides that, I already have about a thousand house plants, including 19 hippeastrums.

I expect to move to (first) a 2-room apartment in Copenhagen before Christmas, and will have a lot of trouble finding windowsill places for all these plants. But I can tell you, they are all happy!

It is quite a lot of fun to be an indoor gardener...


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