Dear Susan; My experience with Dahlia imperalis, is that it loves the reflected heat of a wall. I do not know if you have such available, obviously the wind factor is a problem, we also have winds in Sausalito Ca, but keeping the plant almost too wet, seemed to stiffen the buds and none were lost due to the wind. Regarding your friend in Halisham in the UK, again a south facing wall, and if the eaves of the house could give some protection, I say try it. If my memory is correct, I remember the first frost in the area would be about the middle of October. Then there is generally a frost free time for quite a while. If it were possible I would throw a sheet over it just for the first frost (generally not too severe) and then remove it and hope! Cheers, John E. Bryan. > Sigh.... > > -- > susan hayek, North Coast of CA, USA, zone 9b > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >