new forum

R Hansen via pbs
Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:13:44 PDT
In reference to Marc Rosenblum's comments regarding forum software, PBS will be using SMF software which is the same software that SRGC uses. It stands for Simple Machines Forum and is, I understand, open source software.

As both Uli and Diane mention, the SRGC Forum is easier to use. We know we'll have some kinks to work out, although relatively few, because we have been in testing mode for several months. I'm a new forum user while Diane has considerably more experience. Diane is one of our PBS List volunteers and works with our Webmaster, David Pilling. Garak (Martin Bohnet) has also been working on this PBS forum project and we are ready to go.

So, I will be posting information on our new forum, a new link, and some basic comments on how to use the forum. We have volunteers available - I'll give you their names and email addresses - to answer questions and assist with using our new format. The look of our website will change in some areas but I want to emphasize that *nothing* will disappear. We'll still have Archives, the Wiki, and all the other pages you are familiar with.

A new, exciting and easier to use software for photos in particular. As with anything new, it will take time to adjust, but you can do it! I was very reluctant to even try but as I've worked with the new forum day by day, I'm now on familiar territory and you will be too.


Robin Hansen
Pacific Bulb Society

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