Dear Members in the EU. The second half of spring EU bulb and seed exchange is now open for orders, as usual we have a time window over the weekend, ordering phase closes on Monday the 2nd at 24:00h Central European Time. The closure will be announced on list and forum. Orders received within this period will be dealt with at random, so that everybody will have the same chance to get the rare and sought after items. This is the first exchange for this spring, donations can still be maid for a second distribution phase around the mid of April. Please remember, that only fully paid members can order from this exchange. If you are not sure about your membership status or if you are tempted to join now, please get in touch with our treasurer Arnold Trachtenberg ( You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order from this list but maybe you will become a donor in the future? The number of items you can order is not limited, you are allocated one portion of each ordered item but please refrain from asking "one of each" from this extensive list. As Brexit is now real and all grace periods are over, we sadly can not accept any orders from the UK. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST WHEN ORDERING BUT SEND A NEW EMAIL or Forum PM TO MARTIN BOHNET IN GERMANY: ( He is the director of the EU Seed and Bulb Exchange. Your order cannot be dealt with if you send it to the list by using the reply button. And please do not forget to let Martin have your postal address. Pricing and Payment Seeds are 2 US$ per portion, bulbs cost 3 US$. Very big or very rare bulbs may be more expensive. Left over seed from previous exchanges (numbers EX03_??? and EX02_??? ) are offered at a reduced price of 1US$. Postage is added to your order at cost. Please wait with your payment until you received your order, it will contain a payment slip with the sum due in US-Dollars. If you are a donor your credit will be deducted. Payment for the EU BX/SX can only be made in US Dollars and only through PayPal. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the payment form at… It is a tremendous help for our treasurer if you do not forget to put in the BX-Number and your name. Please wait with payment until your order is checked for availability after the ordering phase. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Uli if you have questions ( In case you're reading this on the list, please visit the forum thread for some extra explanations on single offerings:… This is an announcement for the EU BX only, the US based BX continues unchanged. Happy browsing! New Items in second part: from Pavel Andel Bulbs/Bulbils EX04_097 Arisaema candidissimum dark form EX04_098 Ornithogalum spec (leaves ca 50 cm) Seeds EX04_099 Albuca concordiana Lav 29904 Augustfontein, Calvinia x self EX04_100 Bulbine wiesei EX04_101 Massonia pustulata (De Hoop) x self EX04_102 Othonna clavifolia From Martin Bohnet (All divisions prized as Bulbs) EX04_103 Hypoxis villosa EX04_104 Kniphofia citrina ex Burncoose EX04_105 Tulbaghia acutiloba from Angelika Neitzert Bulbs: EX04_106 Oxalis 'Ken Aslet' Seeds: EX04_107 Lachenalia ensifolia from Thorsten Schneider (bulbs) EX04_108 Dioscorea discolor from Uli Urban Bulbs: EX04_109 Sinningia tubiflora Seeds: EX04_110 Aponogeton distachyus EX04_111 Hippeastrum evansiae Leftovers from the first half EX04, at FULL PRICE. All Seeds unless otherwise stated EX04_001 Begonia dregei EX04_002 Drimia uniflora DMC 13646 W. of Ladismith EX04_004 Othonna triplinervia x Othonna herrei EX04_006 Zephyranthes grandiflora EX04_011 Arisaema consanguineum EX04_012 Asclepias tuberosa EX04_014 Bomarea edulis EX04_016 Tigridia pavonia orange seed parent EX04_018 Agapanthus inapertus pendulus EX04_019 Albuca humilis EX04_020 Allium cyaneum, originally received as A. beesianum EX04_021 Begonia grandis ssp. sinensis (Bulbills) EX04_022 Dietes iridioides EX04_023 Dipcadi serotinum EX04_024 Eucomis autumnalis EX04_025 Freesia laxa, salmon with red dots EX04_026 Lophospermum erubescens 'Alba' EX04_027 Maurandya wislizeni 'Red Dragon' EX04_028 Ornithogalum candicans (Syn. Galtonia c.) EX04_029 Atropa belladonna EX04_030 Ceratotheca triloba EX04_031 Dioscorea communis EX04_032 Ennealophus fimbriatus EX04_036 Ipomoea purpurea EX04_037 Ipomoea tricolor ,,Pearly Gates" EX04_040 Leonurus cardica EX04_041 Solanum nigrum EX04_043 Staphylea trifolia EX04_045 Tulbaghia violacea var macmasterii EX04_046 Albuca pulchra Bulbs EX04_064 Seemannia purpurascens Bulbs EX04_068 Albuca pulchra EX04_070 Arisaema consanguineum EX04_071 Phalocallis coelestis syn. Cypella gigantea EX04_072 Dahlia excelsa, ID not 100% definite EX04_073 Dahlia rosea, white EX04_074 Datura wrightii EX04_075 Lilium 'White Triumphator' EX04_077 Tradescantia boliviana EX04_078 Zantedeschia albomaculata EX04_079 Zantedeschia jucunda EX04_082 Aristea ecklonii EX04_083 Arthropodium cirratum EX04_084 Beschorneria septentrionalis EX04_085 Chlorophytum bowkeri EX04_086 Habranthus brachyandrus EX04_087 Laxmannia gracilis EX04_088 Laxmannia squarrosa EX04_089 Lomandra leucocephala ssp robusta EX04_090 Lomandra spicata EX04_094 Phalocallis coelestis EX04_096 Tulbaghia violacea Leftovers from last years fall distribution (all seeds) EX03_001 Allium cernuum EX03_002 Allium flavum EX03_004 Camassia leichtlinii cream EX03_007 Hemerocallis hybrid, diploid, 1st/2nd gen from ,,Frans Hals" EX03_008 Hesperantha cuculata EX03_022 Albuca aurea EX03_023 Albuca setosa EX03_025 Habranthus graciliflora EX03_026 Habranthus robustus EX03_030 Romulea rosea var australis EX03_046 Alium giganteum EX03_048 Sisyrinchium montanum EX03_054 Arisaema flavum EX03_057 Pelargonium gibbosum EX03_085 Albuca albucoides EX03_088 Albuca c.f flaccida EX03_091 Anemone palmata EX03_092 Freesia alba EX03_093 Freesia caryophyllacea EX03_095 Gladiolus italicus EX03_099 Hesperantha bachmannii EX03_100 Hippeastrum Sonatini 'Pink Rascal' X 'Amputo' EX03_101 Hyacinthoides flacoultiana EX03_102 Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo' EX03_103 Iris xiphium blue, ex cultivated plants EX03_104 Iris xiphium var lusitanica, bright yellow, ex cultivated plants EX03_108 Lachenalia mediana EX03_109 Lachenalia mutabilis EX03_111 Lachenalia pauciflora EX03_112 Lachenalia quadricolor EX03_114 Lachenalia ventricusa EX03_115 Moraea ochroleuca EX03_116 Moraea polystachya EX03_117 Moraea sisyrinchium EX03_118 Narcissus bulbocodium EX03_120 Ornithogalum dubium EX03_121 Scilla cilicica EX03_122 Scilla hyacinthoides EX03_126 Triteleia ixioides EX03_127 Tropaeolum brachyceras EX03_286 Iris mesopotamica EX03_288 Iris versicolor EX03_289 Pancatium maritinum EX03_290 Cardiocrinum giganteum EX03_291 Codonopsis pilosula EX03_295 Lilium sargentieae EX03_296 Agapanthus cultivar blue & white 45cm decidous EX03_297 Agapanthus cultivar 45cm decidous EX03_298 Agapanthus ex Kirstenbosch blue 90 cm decidous EX03_299 Allium sikkimense EX03_300 Arum creticum EX03_301 Arum italicum subsp italicum ,Marmoratum' EX03_302 Bellevalia paradoxa EX03_303 Dierama mixed hybrids EX03_304 Freesia laxa EX03_305 Freesia laxa red form EX03_306 Iris foetedissima EX03_307 Ixia viridiflora EX03_308 Libertia spec. EX03_309 Muscari armenaicum type A EX03_310 Muscari armenaicum type B EX03_311 Muscai aucheri EX03_312 Muscari aucheri ex ocean magic EX03_313 Muscari latifolium EX03_314 Muscari racemosa EX03_315 Romulea bulbocodium EX03_317 Watsonia sp red ex Kirstenbosch (evergreen) EX03_324 Lilum pumilum EX03_325 Allium oporinanthum EX03_327 Ethesia xanthochlora(Syn Ornithogalum) EX03_330 Narcissus confusus EX03_331 Pelargonium mollicomum EX03_332 Pelargonium spec. small leaves, winter grower EX03_345 Acis autumnalis EX03_347 Drimia maritima common form Leftovers from last years spring distribution, offered for the last time! EX02_005 Hosta ex ,Empress Wu', open polinated EX02_008 Agapanthus cultivar 45cm, deciduous EX02_010 Dactylicapnos scandens EX02_011 Freesia laxa red form EX02_012 Hesperantha baurii EX02_013 Iris ensata (blue) EX02_014 Iris foetidissima EX02_015 Scilla peruviana EX02_016 Watsonia sp. red ex Kirstenbosch (labeled meriana?) EX02_017 Albuca abyssinica Syn. A. bainesii EX02_018 Albuca humilis ex Lesotho EX02_019 Albuca tenuifolia Syn. A. shawii EX02_023 Allium flavum EX02_029 Dietes iridioides EX02_037 Allium tuberosum EX02_040 Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora EX02_043 Habranthus tubispathus EX02_047 Lilium henryi EX02_051 Iris xiphium (syn. Xiphion vulgare) ex Albufera EX02_058 Narcissus confusus EX02_075 Allium giganteum EX02_079 Iris domestica EX02_080 Iris setosa EX02_081 Iris sibirica EX02_084 Sisyrinchium montanum EX02_087 Chasmanthe bicolor EX02_088 Eryngium 'Miss Wilmot's Ghost' EX02_089 Melanoselium decipiens EX02_090 Watsonia'Dart Sea Trout' EX02_093 Ceropegia woodii EX02_094 Albucca spec. ex roscoff EX02_096 Lilium 'White Triumphator' EX02_098 Zantedeschia albomaculata Martin & Uli -- Martin (pronoun: he) ---------------------------------------------- Southern Germany Likely zone 7a _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <>