Lily Species Throughout the World

Luminita vollmer via pbs
Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:40:08 PDT
Dear Kathleen and also Gareth Winters

What I found from another nice and kind NewZealander is this:
Hi Luminita,
I live in Auckland, New Zealand.
The book ‘ Lily Species Throughout the World.’ is listed as being held by
the library of the Auckland Botanic Garden as an ‘in library use only’ item.
I looked to see if there was a copy on Trademe (an NZ system like eBay) or
ABE books with no success, sorry.
Wayne Carter.

I also found out the book has been self published, and recently Bill passed
away. Unless someone in his family has access to his IP, I may not be able
to get a copy unless someone parts with an existing one ;(

Since I'm not in NZ, I cannot go look at the book in the library, nor sign
it out, but a table of contents would be nice to have. We know of about 108
different lilium species, but Bill Doreen claims he knows 200. I definitely
need to know those from 108 to 200!
If you could obtain that for me Kathleen, I would forever be indebted, and
will be able to pay with a species lily. ;)

Thank you

Message: 11
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:53:28 -0700
From: Kathleen Sayce <>
To: ""
Subject: [pbs] Lily Species Throughout the World
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii

From Gareth Winters, New Zealand:

That is one rare book.  I have asked local booksellers and there is nothing
around, but I have also searched a number of different bookselling sites
and can see no sign of the book.  My guess is the best place maybe through
a lily society?  There are copies in some NZ libraries (only seven though)
mainly in reference libraries, but some in public libraries.  Would it help
if I got a copy on interloan?  I could copy anything you were interested in.
. . . .

Any interest in seeing the TOC and index, to see what species are covered
in this book?

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