Spring ephemera

Mike Rummerfield via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 10 Apr 2022 17:32:51 PDT
Taking this cold, snowy late afternoon to attempt to post some photos from
the last two weeks in the garden to lighten up the gray day.

   - The first is *Erythronium revolutum*, slowly colonizing by seed and
   tuber clump increase.
   - The second is a group selfie by disinterested *Narcissus jonquilla
   var. henriquesii* being photo bombed by *Erythronium tuolumnensis *and*
   Iris unguicularis.*
   - The third is of Corydalis solida that is naturalizing throughout the
   garden.  I started with corms only from 'George P. Baker' and 'Beth
   Evans'.  With the help of pollinators, they are producing (reverting to?)
   other colors.
   - And fourth is *Cardamine nuttallii* var. *nuttallii *(I would very
   much appreciate confirmation of this designation).  It is native here; I
   did not plant it.  It is diminutive (US penny for scale), very fleeting,
   quickly receding into underground rhizomes and tiny cormlettes (at least
   here); growing in forest duff in semi-shade; at the pinnacle of its bloom
   right now.

zn. 7, cool mediterranean, western Washington state ----
Where a chance of snow is predicted through Friday.  Looks like much of the
rest of the US will also be experiencing stormy weather during the coming
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